Over 40 years of search experience
“Lostproofing” Program
NEK9 has a strong commitment to educating children and adults about how to be safe in the woods. We talk to children about how to “lostproof” themselves; and if they get lost, how to stay safe.
After the video, the presenter will discuss the video with the children and how NEK9 is utilized on searches. If space and weather allow, the presenter will do a demonstration on how our dogs find missing people.
Our presenters can tailor the presentation to children and adults at all levels of experience and understanding. This presentation includes information on the hikeSafe “There and Back” safe-hiker education program supported in NH and VT
For The General Public
We offer an entertaining and educational presentation and live demonstration of Airscent Search Dogs to general audiences. Whether you are a charitable or business organization or a senior center, the pictures, search stories and of course the dogs make a great 45 – 60 minute program. There is no charge (though a donation of any amount is most appreciated). Complete the form if interested.